Travelling with a baby
Wondering what to pack for a baby when traveling? We know it can seem a little daunting, how can someone so tiny, need so much stuff?
Take a look at our list of essential items you’ll need for an easy-going trip and shop from our travel collection.
- Portable white noise machine - we love the Baby Shusher and the Yogasleep portable mini sound machine or Drift with their handy nightlight
- Portable black out blinds
- Cozigo sleep and sun bassinet cover
- Travel pram
- Baby carrier
- Portable cot - we love the Baby Bjorn and AeroMoov
- Portable change mat or clutch
- Hand sanitiser
- Antibacterial wipes and wipes for teething toys (and toys in general)
- Nappy bag - we love the backpack style for travel
- Subo food bottle for on the go
- Isothermal meal pouch or insulated lunch box
- Age appropriate toys/activities
Other items to remember to pack
- Swim nappy (if going somewhere sunny) and wetbag
- Sunscreen
- Sun hat
- Nappies and nappy rash cream - we love the Malo nappy rash spray
- Wipes
- Disposable nappy bags
- Toiletries and nail scissors - we love the nail care kit from Haakaa
- First aid kit and thermometer (it's not a bad idea to pack your nasal aspirator or Snotty Boss)
- Dummies (if using)
- Pram rain cover
- Weather appropriate clothing
- A non slip bath mat - the Eveeco one is our favourite and easy to fold up and pack in your bag as it rolls up small.
- Baby/infant probiotic
Sleeping items
Feeding items
- Snacks, snacks and more snacks (age appropriate)
- Bottles/teats (if bottle feeding) plus cleaning brush
- Sippy cup/water bottle
- Medela quick clean bags for sterilising bottles/teat (can be done in a microwave)
- Any age appropriate feeding equipment/utensils
- Bib
- Maternity bra, nipple cream, breast pads, breast pump and breastmilk storage bags (if breastfeeding)
- Formula (if formula feeding) - a lot of places sell sachets which are handy for travel and formula dispenser
- Meal storage/containers eg: yummy pouch, snack container, snack cup, isothermal meal pouch, isothermal portions, lunchbox
- We also love the Izimini camping chair for feeding on the move
Some of our favourite, travel friendly toys and activities
- Scrunch beach sets (foldable and perfect for travel)
- Hey Doodle colour in placement
- Water painting - mess free and ideal for portable play
- Books
- Mushie press toys
- Stickers
- We also love the portable play mat from Jnr Life that comes in a handy canvas bag, perfect for taking with you on your travels.
- Spinners
- Spiral activity toy
Lastly, it's a good idea to check ahead with airline or accomodation for allowances, what they provide, what is available to hire etc.
and last but not least, don't forget their passport:) and go make memories!